Travelling is one of the oldest activities that us humans had to do (and through the course of history, loved to do) since the beginning of our time. It is very interesting to trace travelling through:
- Historic data
- Archeological findings
- Folkloric legends etc.
- Modern documentation
Nowadays it’s very easy and practical to document travelling through the use of internet (social medias) to virtually every corner of the world.
Why Travelling?
Even in the caves of thousands of years ago we can see that humans were always moving. The reasons for travel evolved during the course of time. Humans have travelled mainly for necessity or survival reasons being that to find food & water, a place to live, to rest, to get away from natural dangers, away from wars etc. According to historic data, only in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome can be observed the first travellers for pure pleasure and as one may easily presume, they were the people that had the means to afford it like nobilities, emperors, rulers and so on. So practically a very small part of the population in those times.
Nowadays it’s common sense to think that when someone travels, it’s mainly for pleasure and just about having fun. But actually humans still travel a lot for the same reasons they first started to do so, but slightly different. For example for work, transport of goods, getting away from war zones etc. Today most of the people have the possibility to travel for pleasure, but still there are limitations depending on various factors but mainly on two factors, such as time and money, at least for us.
How to travel?
The means of travel have also evolved a lot. From the simplest and most intuitive way of travel, walking, to the most modern aircrafts, cars and trains nowadays. Generally one can say that travelling takes place on land, on water and on air.
Normally we want to travel to our preferred place as fast as possible, so to have more time to enjoy and experience the best of it. But in some cases travelling slowly is the ultimate goal of the journey! This is the case of trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, strolling, tripping etc. etc. In fact, in the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary there are so many synonyms related to “travel” and most of them show the ways to perform this activity.
To sum up, travelling is a special experience where a lot of feelings come across and it’s everyone’s right to enjoy it in the way they like it! For us is always a great time when a trip or journey takes over and especially the traces that it leaves us! We like to end the post with some inspiring Quotes about travelling that help us also to connect better with this awesome activity!!
“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret”
Oscar Wilde
“Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.”
Paulo Coelho
“Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.”
Dalai Lama