Overview- couple travel
Travelling as a couple is the best thing that can happen to you. I think you are lucky to travel the world with the person you love but this doesn’t mean everything will go smoothly. And it is normal to happen this way. Alket and I have travelled together since 2019 and during those trips, we had beautiful memories and an amazing time as a couple. Some of the most beautiful moments of my life. Couple travel can be tricky though. You are 24 hours together, things do not go as you planned etc. Travelling shows the best but also the worst of you in critical situations. We have made a lot of mistakes on the way but working on them, the trip gets a lot better.
According to our experience here are 5 mistakes to avoid while travelling with your soulmate:
Overplanning can be a huge downside for you as a couple. As we both work full-time as civil engineers, we don’t have as much free time as we want. Although Germany is one of the countries with a minimum of 24 work days vacation per year, these days are not enough to travel as much as I would like. Therefore, our days off are reserved for travel and meeting with family and travel days are pretty hectic. We tend to do as many things as we can to create content for the blog. Even though we have tried to slow down a bit, Alket and I still have to go like this for some time. But if we had to choose, slow travel would be a better idea. That is why the first mistake to avoid is undoubtedly to not overplan as a couple. It can be pretty tiring and even though travelling around the world with your better half is amazing, overplanning is a mistake.
Only one decides on the destination
You plan a trip but you are not alone. Together with you is your partner and you want to be together. It means this trip should be great for both of you. Even though you are together, you are two different people and someone might like outdoor travel and the other a cultural trip. Discuss the plan together and make it work for both of you.
Choose a country that offers both or plan two trips per year, each according to every one of you.
Lack of communication
One of the key points to a couple’s travel is communication. As in a relationship, you should discuss the problems you might have during your travelling to find a solution that works for both of you. If you don’t talk to him/her the situation can get worse. Your partner knows you but can’t read your mind. Sometimes you might be surprised by how things turn out.
But be honest and your partner will understand you. Travelling is part of the life. If something goes wrong, the problem will come home with you. So, talk, the sooner, the better.
Hanging too much on the phone
Smartphones are addictive. They drag you on this small screen and time goes by without even noticing it. Alket and I are very thankful, that we did not grow up with smartphones at a very young age. But, with today’s marketing and algorithm that track your data and show you more and more what you show interest in, it becomes hard to unhook yourself from smartphones. Even though smartphones have advantages, the disadvantages are huge. You are not being present with that in your hand. Take it off and be where you are. This time is what you have. Furthermore, the overuse of smartphones has been related to an increase in stress, depression and loneliness. Neither of these is good for you or your relationship.
Not enjoying travelling together
Even if you are a blogger, a photographer that needs to work or just travelling somewhere to visit a place, remember you are here to enjoy the experience together. Give yourself time for a nice walk, or a romantic dinner at the sea. It doesn’t have to be something huge to make an impact. The little things make a big difference.
It is extremely important to acknowledge the mistakes when travelling as a couple. You identify and correct them to avoid harming your relationship. Couple travel is great and I am very thankful for having Alket by my side but remember you should communicate and compromise to make things work for both of you. We hope to help as many fellow travellers with our hints to come from your trip with good memories. Happy travelling and till next time!